ということを以前お話ししましたが、最新号(Volume 62, issue 10, October 2020)から、下記論文を紹介します。
「Hypointense head and neck lesions on T2-weighted images: correlation with histopathologic findings. (Neuroradiology 2020;62(10):1207–1217.)」
「Promises of artificial intelligence in neuroradiology: a systematic technographic review. (Neuroradiology 2020;62(10):1265–1278.)」
「Spinal cord involvement in Kearns-Sayre syndrome: a neuroimaging study. (Neuroradiology 2020;62(10):1315–1321.)」
ミトコンドリア脳症のKearns-Sayre syndromeは脊髄病変も認めるよ、という内容です。
Spinal cord lesions were detected in 6/11 patients, showing four patterns: involvement of gray matter, gray matter and posterior columns, posterior columns, and anterior columns. The severity of spinal disease was grade 1 in two and grade 2 in four patients. All patients showed brain involvement (9-point average for patients with spinal involvement and 10 for the others).
本論文に関して、下記のLetter to the Editorもありますので、併せてお読み下さい。
「Is the spinal cord truly affected in half of the patients with Kearns-Sayre syndrome? (Neuroradiology 2020;62(10):1205–1206.)」
「Left temporal hemorrhage caused by cerebral venous reflux of a brachio-brachial hemodialysis fistula. (Neuroradiology 2020;62(10):1341–1344.)」