小児放射線診断学において、Pediatric Radiologyが役立ちますよ、ということ を以前お話ししましたが、最新号(Volume 52, issue 1, January 2022)から、 下記3論文を紹介します。
「Magnetic resonance imaging of focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia — findings derived from a three-dimensional gradient echo sequence. (Pediatric Radiology 2022;52(1):58–64.)」
Focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia is a rare benign bone lesion of young children that causes deformities in the extremities.
「Inflammatory conditions of the pediatric hand and non-inflammatory mimics. (Pediatric Radiology 2022;52(1):104–121.)」
「Beyond reflux: the spectrum of voiding cystourethrogram findings in the pediatric population. (Pediatric Radiology 2022;52(1):134-143.)」
他のPediatric Radiology関連は、こちら。