<論文紹介:Skeletal Radiology 2021;50(7):1275–1290.他>

骨軟部&整形外科領域放射線(画像)診断学において、「Skeletal Radiology」誌がとても役立ちますよ、ということを以前お話ししましたが、最新号の「Volume 50, issue 7, July 2021」から下記2論文を紹介します。

An update on imaging of Paget’s sarcoma. (Skeletal Radiology 2021;50(7):1275–1290.)
Paget病から生じる肉腫の総説です。有名ですけど、ほとんど経験したことはな いです。

Imaging of bone and soft tissue BCOR-rearranged sarcoma. (Skeletal Radiology 2021;50(7):1291–1301.)
Ewing肉腫は EWSR1/FUS-ETS 融合を有する遺伝子的に狭く定義されています。
非典型的な遺伝子異常や形質を示す小円形細胞肉腫(いわゆるEwing様肉腫)に 関しては,① EWSR1-nonETS 融合遺伝子を有する肉腫,② CIC 肉腫,③ BCOR 関連 肉腫の3つに大きく区別されています。

With recent advances in molecular research, an ever-increasing number of undifferentiated round cell sarcomas without the characteristic gene fusions of Ewing sarcoma are being discovered. One specific subtype termed BCOR-rearranged sarcoma belongs to this group. Previously termed ‘Ewing-like’ sarcoma, it was formally included with undifferentiated round cell tumours in the 2013 WHO Classification of Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours. However, in the 2020 WHO Classification, BCOR-sarcoma is now recognized as a distinct entity due to particular morphological and immunohistochemical features and differing clinical outcomes. As with classical Ewing sarcoma, osseous BCOR-rearranged sarcoma is an aggressive tumour with a similar clinical presentation.


そのほかの「Skeletal Radiology」誌関連は、こちら。
内容を記載しますので、ご関心があればリンク先アドレスをコピペしてご参照く ださい。)

Edema-like marrow signal intensity: a narrative review with a pictorial essay.
An assessment of fluid–fluid levels on magnetic resonance imaging of spinal tumours.
Intraosseous lipomas originating from simple bone cysts.

Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma: imaging features and clinical findings.
Painful left forearm swelling.
Amyloidoma: a review and case report.

A comprehensive review of the normal, abnormal, and post-operative MRI appearance of the proximal biceps brachii.
Radiological findings of denosumab treatment for giant cell tumours of bone.
The differentiation between aneurysmal bone cyst and telangiectatic osteosarcoma: a clinical, radiographic and MRI study.
Extensive multifocal emphysematous osteomyelitis: fatal outcome in a patient with psychiatric history.

Thinking beyond pannus: a review of retro-odontoid pseudotumor due to rheumatoid and non-rheumatoid etiologies.
Review article: the differential diagnosis of bone marrow edema on wrist MRI.
Small soft tissue masses indeterminate at imaging: histological diagnoses at a tertiary orthopedic oncology clinic.

Skeletal Radiology誌の紹介.
Calcaneal cysts and lipomas: a common pathogenesis?
Chordoma arising from benign multifocal notochordal tumors.