<論文紹介:Neurographics 2024;14(2)号>

神経放射線診断学において、Neurographics が総説雑誌としてとても役立ちますよ、ということを以前お話ししましたが、最新号の「Volume 14, Number 2, 1 April 2024」 はとても盛り沢山で、その中から下記論文を紹介します。

What is Under the Tent? Posterior Fossa Tumors in Children, the Usual Suspects—Part 1. (Neurographics 2024;14(2):81-94.)

Perivascular Spaces: Neuroimaging, Microanatomy, Homeostasis, and Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Disease. (Neurographics 2024;14(2):95-117.)

Unique Presentation of Rare Cervical Sympathetic Chain Schwannoma. (Neurographics 2024;14(2):127-131.)

Apex Nasi: What’s Happening near the Tip of the Nose? (Neurographics 2024;14(2):132-150.)

Primary Intradural Chordoma along the Cauda Equina. (Neurographics 2024;14(2):172-175.)




Tumor Response Metrics in Neuro-Oncology: A Review.
Imaging of Pediatric Ocular Globe Pathologies.

Superficial Soft-Tissue Masses of the Head and Neck: A Pictorial Review.
Breaking the Rules: Nonclassic Appearances of Parathyroid Adenomas.

A Comprehensive Clinical Review of Adult-Type Diffuse Glioma Incorporating the 2021 World Health Organization Classification.
Primary Melanocytic Tumors of the Central Nervous System in Children: Imaging Features with Pathologic Correlation.

Pictorial Review of Calcified Pseudoneoplasm of the Neuroaxis and Other Calcified Intracranial Lesions.
Nonvestibular Schwannomas of the Head and Neck.

What We Should Not Forget about Down Syndrome.
Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis: A Review with Emphasis on Head and Neck Manifestations.

The Ossicles in Pediatric Conductive Hearing Loss.
Acute Viral Encephalitis Neuroimaging Spectrum.
Ambiguous Cerebral Amyloidosis.
Lymphoproliferative Disorders of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa.

Neuroimaging of Substance Abuse.
Multimodality Imaging of Cerebral Crystal-Storing Histiocytosis: Distinguishing Imaging Characteristics and a Literature Review of a Very Rare Entity.
A Review of Fetal Brain Pathology Acquired In Utero.

Complications of Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery in the Brain and Spine.
Hepatic Myelopathy: Case Report of an Unusual MRI Finding.
Just Face It, We Could All Use a (Pictorial) Review: Anatomy, Variants, and Pathology of the Facial Nerve.