<おすすめ雑誌:The American Journal of Surgical Pathology(と論文紹介:2018, 42(1):9-17.)>

それは、American Journal of Surgical Pathology です。

The Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists, The
Gastrointestinal Pathology Society, and The International Society of
Urologic Pathology の学会雑誌です。
最新の病理概念論文、Case seriesなどが主です。

最新号(Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2018.)から、下記の論文を紹介します。

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近年、respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (REAH)という病態が、

Sinonasal hamartomas are rare, benign lesions occurring in the nasal
cavity, paranasal sinuses, and nasopharynx. Several subtypes of
sinonasal hamartomas have been reported, including seromucinous
hamartoma (SMH), respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma (REAH),
and chondromesenchymal hamartoma. Chondromesenchymal hamartomas are
composed of mature or immature cartilage associated with stellate and
spindle mesenchymal cells in a myxoid background. They occur in infants
and children (with only rare cases reported in adults) and will not be
discussed here. Sinonasal epithelial hamartomas (SEHs: REAH and SMH)
occur in adults. REAH are polypoid masses covered with ciliated
pseudostratified respiratory epithelium that invaginates into the
stroma, forming gland-like ducts lined by the same epithelium. These
structures are surrounded by a thickened basement membrane or stromal
hyalinization. SMHs are also polypoid in structure and contain
nonspecific respiratory surface epithelium and numerous, often
disorganized, atrophic or hypertrophic seromucinous glands in the
stroma. They are frequently associated with duct-like invaginations
lined by respiratory epithelium, similar to those observed in REAH.
Hybrid lesions exhibiting the characteristics of both REAH and SMH have
also been described. Here, we describe a third subtype of SEH that
resembles SMH but contains additional areas of olfactory epithelium in
the surface epithelial lining and gland-like ductal invaginations.

In conclusion, SEH exhibits a broader histologic spectrum than
previously reported. Aside from REAH and SMH, we have described a third
subtype in this spectrum-OEH-which resembles SMH and is characterized by
the presence of areas of olfactory epithelium as well as its development
from the olfactory cleft. OEH exhibits similar clinical characteristics,
benign course, and imaging features as REAH and SMH.
